There are five quick filters available. These are the five buttons on the top section of the DGD Library, as shown below.

The five quick filters are:

  • MY DGDS: This will filter the DGD library to display only the DGDs assigned or owned by you.
  • UNASSIGNED DGDS: This will filter the DGD library to display only unassigned DGDs.
  • HIGH: This will filter the DGD library to display only DGDs with "High" priority assigned.
  • MEDIUM: This will filter the DGD library to display only DGDs with "Medium" priority assigned.
  • NORMAL: This will filter the DGD library to display only DGDs with "Normal" priority assigned.

You can activate a quick filter by clicking on the filter button. The filter button will turn bold. To de-activate or release the filter, click the filter button again.