To search for a DGD, you can use the filter feature in the DGD Library.

You can access the filter as follows:

1. Click the Filter button (magnifying glass icon, shown below)

2. Choose the required Filter settings

The following Filter settings are available.


  • Keywords: You can enter the AWB number or DGD Reference (user-defined or system assigned). This will enable you to search for a DGD based on its AWB number or its reference.
  • From Date and To Date: You can enter the desired date range. This will display DGDs uploaded during a specific period (default: last 24 hours).
  • Assigned to/ Owned by: You can click inside the box to view the list of users, and then select the desired user(s). You can specify multiple users.
  • Status: You can click inside the box to view the status options, and then select the desired status option(s). You can specify multiple statuses. The statuses are as follows

    1. Processing: system is still scanning and reading the DGD
    2. Failed Scan: system could not load the DGD (e.g. the PDF is protected, it is not a DGD)
    3. Verification: OCR verification is required or is in progress
    4. Documentation: Documentation check is required or is in progress
    5. Packaging: Packaging acceptance is required or is in progress
    6. Completed: Sign-Off has been done. The DGD is either PASSED or FAILED
    7. Archived: DGD is hidden from the list. This is used to replace a "Delete" feature.

  • Location: You can enter the  name of the city or airport. This will display DGDs containing the specified location in the routing (departure, destination, transit). You can specify multiple locations.
  • Operator: You can enter the name or 2-character code of the operating airline. This will display DGDs containing the specified airline as one of the operating airlines. You can specify multiple operators.
  • Checklist: You can select the applicable checklist. This will display DGDs that used the selected checklist for the acceptance checks.

3. Click Filter to display the results in the DGD Library