Title and menu bar
In DG AutoCheck the title and menu bar are displayed in every screen you browse:
- Hamburger menu: to choose a menu item
- Currently active subscription: if you have access to multiple ones, this is the one you have selected in the drop-down, otherwise this is your default one.
- Currently active office: if you have access to multiple ones, this is the one you have selected in the drop-down, otherwise this is your default one.
- Navigation path: this allow you to go back to a previous screen. e.g. DGD Library
- Subscriptions drop-down: if you have access to multiple ones, you can choose which subscription (company/customer/carrier) you want to work in.
- Offices drop-down: if you have access to multiple ones, you can choose which office you want to work in.
- Your name: name of logged in user
- Certification star: its colour change when the current date is close to your certification(s) expiry date(s)